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The Sixty Steps in the Year of Covid

Writer's picture: JanJan

Updated: Mar 30, 2021

In March 2020 The Greek Thomson Sixty Steps Preservation Trust ( the Trust ) had to cancel its AGM due to the new Covid regulations.

I doubt that any of us thought we would still be living with Covid restrictions a year hence.

Yet this is what has happened.

Like the rest of the world we have had to adapt to our new way of living.

Individuals and family groups have carried out clean ups of The Sixty Steps and surrounding area, which used to be done by much larger groups of local residents.

The Belle Vue garden has not been ignored. A small group has mown the wildflower meadow and sown colourful annual seeds which, along with bulbs planted, should give us all a boost.

It has become clear this year that Nature is a great balm in times of anxiety.

The Trust provided funds for a new gravel path in the garden to protect. the wall from invasive vegetation. It also looks good!

The Trust also paid for a new safety fence. The wall has not been completely restored yet and there is a dangerous area beyond the garden where there are unstable railings on top of crumbling coping stones.

The other crumbling coping stones at the East end of the wall, which were jutting out over the pavement, have been replaced. This work has unfortunately not been to the standard we were expecting so improvements will be carried out soon on the alignment of the stones and the pointing. The railings will be painted black to match those at the Belle Vue.

We were disappointed that our plants in the wooden tubs on the old bridge were stolen. Not to be beaten, they are now replanted!

The really unexpected highlight of the year was the Glasgow Doors Open Digital Festival in September. When asked to provide material for a digital event most of us felt panic. We were way out of our comfort zone! Luckily one Trust committee member had the skill and vision to nudge us forward.

We are proud to have produced this new website, a lovely drone film of our area (with commentary) and a recorded guided walk around The Sixty Steps. You can access these on or on our new YouTube channel (please do remember to subscribe).

You may also be interested in our latest Newsletter 'Growing a Community with its own 'pleasure garden'.

This year has been stressful for us all but perhaps we can begin to allow ourselves some hope for the future.

Many of us have had our first vaccinations and restrictions look likely to be reduced a little in the coming weeks.

With hope in mind the Trust is taking part in the Queen Margaret Drive Spring Fling on Saturday 28th March. Windows in shops on Queen Margaret Drive and in local flats have been decorated to reflect the theme of 'Wonder'.

At the Sixty Steps we are planning an Alice in Wonderland theme.

Find Alice and the Cheshire Cat and gaze into the magic mirror in the secret doorway!

There will also be chalking opportunities aplenty.

We have the backing of internationally acclaimed street artist David Zinn who says "If I lived anywhere nearby, I would haunt these Steps regularly."

Have a look at David Zinn's delightful work on



©2020 by The Greek Thomson Steps Preservation Trust Ltd.

All rights reserved.

Company Reg No: SC277072

Charity No: SC037773

Registered Address: 27 Kelvinside Terrace South, Glasgow G20 6DW, UK

Place of Registration: Scotland, UK


Phone 0141 946 8382


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